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Modern Family
TV Series 



Created by Christopher Lloyd and Steven Levitan, Modern Family revolves around three families that are interrelated through Jay Pritchett and his children, Claire Dunphy and Mitchell Pritchett. Thus, let’s meet the Dunphys. Married for 16 years, Claire and Phil have three children: Haley, the stereotypical teenager, Alex, a youngster who is wise beyond her years, and Luke, the little brother. Although they want to have a healthy, open and honest relationship with their offspring, the two seem to be swimming against the tide. To consolidate their family, Mitchell and his partner Cameron adopted Lily, a Vietnamese baby girl. As parents of the same sex, they take their responsibilities very seriously. Fortunately, the two have the loving support of their eclectic and screamingly funny relatives.

Jay Pritchett, Claire and Mitchell’s father, married a much younger Colombian beauty, Gloria Delgado, who has an 11 year old son named Manny. A very mature and intuitive boy for his age, he inherited his mother’s passion for life and idolizes his biological father. Although Jay usually acts tough, he values all of his extended family members.
Follow them and the challenges they face in each of their own uniquely comedic ways!!!


1.Episode 1 
2.Episode 2 
3.Episode 3 
4.Episode 4 
5.Episode 5 
6.Episode 6 
7.Episode 7 
8.Episode 8 
9.Episode 9 
10.Episode 10 
11.Episode 11 
12.Episode 12 
13.Episode 13 
14.Episode 14 
15.Episode 15 
16.Episode 16 
17.Episode 17
18.Episode 18 
19.Episode 19 
20.Episode 20 
21.Episode 21 
22.Episode 22 
23.Episode 23 
24.Episode 24


1.Episode 1 
2.Episode 2 
3.Episode 3 
4.Episode 4 
5.Episode 5 
6.Episode 6 
7.Episode 7 
8.Episode 8 
9.Episode 9 
10.Episode 10 
11.Episode 11 
12.Episode 12 
13.Episode 13 
14.Episode 14 
15.Episode 15 
16.Episode 16 
17.Episode 17
18.Episode 18 
19.Episode 19 
20.Episode 20 
21.Episode 21 
22.Episode 22 
23.Episode 23 
24.Episode 24


1.Episode 1 
2.Episode 2 
3.Episode 3 
4.Episode 4 
5.Episode 5 
6.Episode 6 
7.Episode 7 
8.Episode 8 
9.Episode 9 
10.Episode 10 
11.Episode 11 
12.Episode 12 
13.Episode 13 
14.Episode 14 
15.Episode 15 
16.Episode 16 
17.Episode 17
18.Episode 18 
19.Episode 19 
20.Episode 20 
21.Episode 21 
22.Episode 22 
23.Episode 23 
24.Episode 24


1.Episode 1 
2.Episode 2 
3.Episode 3 
4.Episode 4 
5.Episode 5 
6.Episode 6 
7.Episode 7 
8.Episode 8 
9.Episode 9 
10.Episode 10 
11.Episode 11 
12.Episode 12 
13.Episode 13 
14.Episode 14 
15.Episode 15 
16.Episode 16 
17.Episode 17
18.Episode 18 
19.Episode 19 
20.Episode 20 
21.Episode 21 
22.Episode 22 
23.Episode 23 
24.Episode 24