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TV Series 



A wacky comedy series created by Armando Iannucci, Veep revolves around Selina Meyer (Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Seinfeld, Arrested Development), the Vice President of the United States. A former Senator, she had a great political future ahead of her. The job is nothing like she imagined it would be. Although she is the second in command, Selina Meyer often feels discontent, powerless and unvalued. However, she is determined to leave a lasting legacy by bringing citizenry closer to politics and politics closer to citizenry. She would love to be remembered as “the People’s Vice President”.
Selina Meyer’s inner circle includes Amy Brookheimer (Anna Chlumsky, Army Wives, Hannibal), her Chief of Staff, Mike McClintock (Matt Walsh, Community, Parks and Recreation), the Vice President’s Director of Communications, Gary Walsh (Tony Hale, Sex and the City, Justified), her Personal Aide and Sue (Sufe Bradshaw, Prison Break, Flash Forward), the Vice President’s Executive Assistant.

Amy describes herself as “the Vice President’s trouble-shooter, problem-solver, issue-mediator, doubt-remover, conscience-examiner, thought-thinker and all-round everything-doer”. She would wade slaughter to make a good fist of a job. Mike served as Selina Meyer’s press spokesperson since she was Senator for Maryland. He mapped out the course of action during her Presidential campaign. Gary is the Vice President’s loyal associate. Informally known as the “Body Man”, he plays a “vital role” in her day to day life. Sue coordinates Selina Meyer’s diary, scheduling all her meetings and visits. Strange to say, time and again, she acts as her “gatekeeper”. Also into the mix are Dan Egan (Reid Scott, CSI: NY, The Secret Life of the American Teenager), an ambitious interloper and Jonah Ryan (Timothy Simons, Best Friends Forever, The Craft Store), the White House liaison to the Vice President’s office.
Veep sprang from Armando Iannucci’s previous political satires, the BBC series The Thick of It and the Academy Award nominated film In the Loop.


1.Episode 1 
2.Episode 2 
3.Episode 3 
4.Episode 4 
5.Episode 5 
6.Episode 6 
7.Episode 7 
8.Episode 8 
9.Episode 9 
10.Episode 10 
11.Episode 11 
12.Episode 12 
13.Episode 13 
14.Episode 14 
15.Episode 15 
16.Episode 16 
17.Episode 17
18.Episode 18 
19.Episode 19 
20.Episode 20 
21.Episode 21 
22.Episode 22 
23.Episode 23 
24.Episode 24


1.Episode 1 
2.Episode 2 
3.Episode 3 
4.Episode 4 
5.Episode 5 
6.Episode 6 
7.Episode 7 
8.Episode 8 
9.Episode 9 
10.Episode 10 
11.Episode 11 
12.Episode 12 
13.Episode 13 
14.Episode 14 
15.Episode 15 
16.Episode 16 
17.Episode 17
18.Episode 18 
19.Episode 19 
20.Episode 20 
21.Episode 21 
22.Episode 22 
23.Episode 23 
24.Episode 24