TV Series
A A teen comedy drama series, “Greek” follows the students of Cyprus Rhodes University as they partake in the school’s Greek system. Most of the collegians belong to a fraternity (Kappa Tau Gamma, Omega Chi Delta) or to a sorority (Iota Kappa Iota, Zeta Beta Zeta). In the show’s forefront are Casey Cartwright, a very sociable young girl who rates with most of her colleagues, and her younger brother Russell “Rusty” Cartwright, a boring crammer.
Once arrived on the campus of Cyprus Rhodes University, the freshman finds out that Casey neglected to mention having a brother. After catching Evan, his sister’s boyfriend with another girl, Rusty receives a spot in the Omega Chi Delta fraternity in exchange of his silence. He tells his sister the truth and ends up accepting Cappie’s offer, the president of Kappa Tau Gamma and also Casey’s ex-boyfriend. While trying to go from geek to Greek, Rusty also deals with his roommate Dale, a germaphobe and conservative Christian who thinks Greeks have bent only for drinking and fornication, and also juggles his friendship with Calvin, a member of the rival fraternity.
Once arrived on the campus of Cyprus Rhodes University, the freshman finds out that Casey neglected to mention having a brother. After catching Evan, his sister’s boyfriend with another girl, Rusty receives a spot in the Omega Chi Delta fraternity in exchange of his silence. He tells his sister the truth and ends up accepting Cappie’s offer, the president of Kappa Tau Gamma and also Casey’s ex-boyfriend. While trying to go from geek to Greek, Rusty also deals with his roommate Dale, a germaphobe and conservative Christian who thinks Greeks have bent only for drinking and fornication, and also juggles his friendship with Calvin, a member of the rival fraternity.