TV Series
Entourage is a dramedy which glimpses upon the day-to-day life of Vincent (Vince) Chase and his childhood friends from Queens, New York City. A young A-list movie star, he brought with him, from their hometown: his best friend and manager, Eric “E” Murphy, his older half-brother, Johnny “Drama” Chase, and another old friend from childhood, Salvatore who is also known as “Turtle”, the least savvy of the group.
In addition to the title as half-brother, Johnny plays in Vince’s life the role of personal chef and trainer. A D-list actor who, during his younger days, was in the cast of the fictional show “Viking Quest”, he has the amazing opportunity to resurrect his fame and career with the role in the new fictional hit show “Five Towns“. Although his value as employee is often brought into question, Turtle gives as good as he gets and tries to do his part as Vince’s driver and assistant. And there is also Ari Gold, our great actor’s abrasive but lovable agent.
The first chapters of “Entourage” follow Vincent Chase as he adventures in the world of Hollywood and fleeting fame, after his first successful movie: “Head On”. While the boys are getting used to the perks of stardom, in the forefront is the quarrel between Eric and Ari, who are both working to keep Vince’s star rising, but often disagree when it comes to sound decisions. Throughout the seasons come out in the wash Turtle’s laziness and viciousness, Johnny’s attempt to string along with his younger brother, E dating Ari’s assistant Emily and Vince’s varied and numberless love affairs. On the way step into picture both new promising projects with ups and downs and conflicts.
The series has at least one celebrity guest per episode. Appearances include Jessica Alba, Gary Busey, Larry David, Snoop Dogg, Scarlett Johansson, Jimmy Kimmel, Ali Larter, Mandy Moore, Michael Phelps, Martin Scorsese, Kanye West, Luke Wilson, Tom Brady, Andrew Bynum, Zac Efron, Gal Gadot, LeBron James, as well as many others. “Entourage” illustrates the heady excesses of today’s celebrity lifestyle and how difficult is to find love and success in the wild world of show biz. Enjoy!
In addition to the title as half-brother, Johnny plays in Vince’s life the role of personal chef and trainer. A D-list actor who, during his younger days, was in the cast of the fictional show “Viking Quest”, he has the amazing opportunity to resurrect his fame and career with the role in the new fictional hit show “Five Towns“. Although his value as employee is often brought into question, Turtle gives as good as he gets and tries to do his part as Vince’s driver and assistant. And there is also Ari Gold, our great actor’s abrasive but lovable agent.
The first chapters of “Entourage” follow Vincent Chase as he adventures in the world of Hollywood and fleeting fame, after his first successful movie: “Head On”. While the boys are getting used to the perks of stardom, in the forefront is the quarrel between Eric and Ari, who are both working to keep Vince’s star rising, but often disagree when it comes to sound decisions. Throughout the seasons come out in the wash Turtle’s laziness and viciousness, Johnny’s attempt to string along with his younger brother, E dating Ari’s assistant Emily and Vince’s varied and numberless love affairs. On the way step into picture both new promising projects with ups and downs and conflicts.
The series has at least one celebrity guest per episode. Appearances include Jessica Alba, Gary Busey, Larry David, Snoop Dogg, Scarlett Johansson, Jimmy Kimmel, Ali Larter, Mandy Moore, Michael Phelps, Martin Scorsese, Kanye West, Luke Wilson, Tom Brady, Andrew Bynum, Zac Efron, Gal Gadot, LeBron James, as well as many others. “Entourage” illustrates the heady excesses of today’s celebrity lifestyle and how difficult is to find love and success in the wild world of show biz. Enjoy!