TV Series
A Based on the Colombian soap opera Yo Soy Betty La Fea and created by Silvio Horta, the series revolves around Betty Suarez, a good-hearted, intelligent and gritty girl from Queens, New York. Despite being hard-working and smart, her dream to succeed in the publishing business has always been shadowed by the fact that she is slightly naive, isn’t as beautiful as her colleagues and is sorely lacking in fashion sense. However, Betty isn’t the kind of person who gives up easy and is determined to do her utmost to fulfill her dream. Her life takes an unexpected turn when she lands a job at Mode, a high fashion magazine which is part of the publishing empire of the prosperous Bradford Meade.
Recently named the Editor-in-Chief of “Mode”, after the death of his father’s mistress, Daniel Meade comes to a surprise. Used to his son’s affairs and decided to stop him from sleeping with another attractive secretary, Bradford hires Betty as Daniel’s personal assistant. As time goes by, she helps her new boss find his way through the shark infested waters of the fashion industry, earning his respect and even becoming his friend. Believe it or not, life at “Mode” isn’t easy at all for both Betty and Daniel. Creative Director Wilhelmina Slater is by far their biggest enemy. She devises numerous plots trying to become the Editor-in-Chief and seize control of the company. Wilhelmina’s loyal assistant Marc St. James and receptionist Amanda Sommers give the devil his due and humiliate Betty for her lackluster physical appearance. Fortunately, not everyone at “Mode” is as acid and malicious as they are and Daniel’s loyal assistant befriends kind-hearted Scottish seamstress Christina McKinney and nerdy accountant Henry Grubstick. Besides them, her father Ignacio, older sister Hilda and her nephew Justin are Betty’s anchorage.
Get out of the rut and follow Ugly Betty! Among the show’s major plotlines rank Daniel’s numerous conquests, Wilhelmina’ schemes to stab at Bradford and his son’s positions at Meade Publications, the truth behind the murder of Fey Sommers, Ignacio’s immigration status and health problems, the love triangle between Betty, Henry and a deli shop worker, Marc’s relationship with a fashion photographer and many others which will make you laugh your head off or burst into a passion of tears.
Recently named the Editor-in-Chief of “Mode”, after the death of his father’s mistress, Daniel Meade comes to a surprise. Used to his son’s affairs and decided to stop him from sleeping with another attractive secretary, Bradford hires Betty as Daniel’s personal assistant. As time goes by, she helps her new boss find his way through the shark infested waters of the fashion industry, earning his respect and even becoming his friend. Believe it or not, life at “Mode” isn’t easy at all for both Betty and Daniel. Creative Director Wilhelmina Slater is by far their biggest enemy. She devises numerous plots trying to become the Editor-in-Chief and seize control of the company. Wilhelmina’s loyal assistant Marc St. James and receptionist Amanda Sommers give the devil his due and humiliate Betty for her lackluster physical appearance. Fortunately, not everyone at “Mode” is as acid and malicious as they are and Daniel’s loyal assistant befriends kind-hearted Scottish seamstress Christina McKinney and nerdy accountant Henry Grubstick. Besides them, her father Ignacio, older sister Hilda and her nephew Justin are Betty’s anchorage.
Get out of the rut and follow Ugly Betty! Among the show’s major plotlines rank Daniel’s numerous conquests, Wilhelmina’ schemes to stab at Bradford and his son’s positions at Meade Publications, the truth behind the murder of Fey Sommers, Ignacio’s immigration status and health problems, the love triangle between Betty, Henry and a deli shop worker, Marc’s relationship with a fashion photographer and many others which will make you laugh your head off or burst into a passion of tears.