TV Series
An ambitious and exciting addition to the science fiction genre, Orphan Black tells the twisted tale of Sarah Manning (Tatiana Maslany, Flashpoint, Heartland), a born outsider and orphan whose life changes dramatically after witnessing the suicide of a woman who looks just like her. For two pins, she assumes her identity, her boyfriend and her bank account. However, instead of solving her problems, Sarah finds herself caught in the middle of a deadly conspiracy. She discovers that she and Elizabeth “Beth” Childs, the recently deceased woman, are clones… and they aren’t the only ones. Among their doppelganger rank Alison Hendrix, a mousy housewife, Cosima Niehaus, an eccentric, geek girl, and Helena, a murderous fundamentalist.
Making one of the party is Felix Dawkins (Jordan Gavaris, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Unnatural History), Sarah’s foster brother and confidant, Paul Dierden (Dylan Bruce, CSI: NY, NCIS), Beth’s enigmatic boyfriend, Detective Arthur “Art” Bell (Kevin Hanchard, Saving Hope, Nikita), Beth’s police partner who suspects not everything is as it seems, Vic (Michael Mando, Lost Girl, Psych), Sarah’s abusive ex-boyfriend, Siobhan Sadler (Maria Doyle Kennedy, The Tudors, Downton Abbey), Felix and Sarah’s inflexible working class foster mother, Olivier Duval (David Richmond-Peck, Fringe, Beauty and the Beast), a low level Neolutionist functionary, and Dr. Aldous Leekie (Matt Frewer, Supernatural, Eureka), head of The Dyad Institute.
Making one of the party is Felix Dawkins (Jordan Gavaris, Degrassi: The Next Generation, Unnatural History), Sarah’s foster brother and confidant, Paul Dierden (Dylan Bruce, CSI: NY, NCIS), Beth’s enigmatic boyfriend, Detective Arthur “Art” Bell (Kevin Hanchard, Saving Hope, Nikita), Beth’s police partner who suspects not everything is as it seems, Vic (Michael Mando, Lost Girl, Psych), Sarah’s abusive ex-boyfriend, Siobhan Sadler (Maria Doyle Kennedy, The Tudors, Downton Abbey), Felix and Sarah’s inflexible working class foster mother, Olivier Duval (David Richmond-Peck, Fringe, Beauty and the Beast), a low level Neolutionist functionary, and Dr. Aldous Leekie (Matt Frewer, Supernatural, Eureka), head of The Dyad Institute.