TV Series
Loosely based on Gideon Raff‘s Israeli series Hatufim (Prisoners of War), Homeland is the most intriguing thriller series which tackles the War on Terror. The show’s heroine is Carrie Mathison (Claire Danes, My So-Called Life, Temple Grandin), a CIA operations officer assigned to the Counterterrorism Center after committing a breach of discipline, not to mention hiding her bipolar disorder.
While she was handling the reins of an unauthorized operation in Iraq, an asset tipped her off that an American prisoner of war had been turned by al-Qaeda. As it happens, David Estes (David Harewood, Silent Witness, Doctor Who), the Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, informs his squad that, during a raid on a bunker pertaining to terrorist Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban, 24, NCIS: Los Angeles), a Delta Force team rescued Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis, The Baker, The Escapist), a U.S. Marine Sergeant. In Carrie’s book, things smell fishy. She comes to believe that Brody, who had been reported as missing in action since 2003, is no other than the American prisoner of war that her asset in Iraq was talking about.
However, Uncle Whiskers and the Company consider Nicholas Brody a war hero. Realizing she tilts at fight windmills, Carrie turns to the only other person she can trust, her mentor, Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin, The Simpsons, Criminal Minds). Decided to prevent another terrorist attack on American soil, the two join forces and give of their best to keep a close watch on Brody. In the meantime, the Marine Sergeant tries to find his place in his own family.
Still, gathering up the threads of a story, it’s not as easy as it seems. Assuming he was dead, his wife, Jessica Brody (Morena Baccarin, V, The Mentalist) struggled to heal her inner wounds and rebuild her life. Thus and so, she began a romantic relationship with Nick’s former friend and fellow Marine, Mike Faber (Diego Klattenhoff, Psych, Supernatural), a tip topper who, in recent years, stood by Jessica and her two children, Dana (Morgan Saylor, The Sopranos, Father of Invention) and Chris (Jackson Pace, Barney & Friends, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation)… Now that Nick reappeared in their lives, Mike has no choice left but to return to being a family friend, despite his true feelings.
Is Nicholas Brody a hero or a traitor? It remains to be seen…
While she was handling the reins of an unauthorized operation in Iraq, an asset tipped her off that an American prisoner of war had been turned by al-Qaeda. As it happens, David Estes (David Harewood, Silent Witness, Doctor Who), the Director of the CIA’s Counterterrorism Center, informs his squad that, during a raid on a bunker pertaining to terrorist Abu Nazir (Navid Negahban, 24, NCIS: Los Angeles), a Delta Force team rescued Nicholas Brody (Damian Lewis, The Baker, The Escapist), a U.S. Marine Sergeant. In Carrie’s book, things smell fishy. She comes to believe that Brody, who had been reported as missing in action since 2003, is no other than the American prisoner of war that her asset in Iraq was talking about.
However, Uncle Whiskers and the Company consider Nicholas Brody a war hero. Realizing she tilts at fight windmills, Carrie turns to the only other person she can trust, her mentor, Saul Berenson (Mandy Patinkin, The Simpsons, Criminal Minds). Decided to prevent another terrorist attack on American soil, the two join forces and give of their best to keep a close watch on Brody. In the meantime, the Marine Sergeant tries to find his place in his own family.
Still, gathering up the threads of a story, it’s not as easy as it seems. Assuming he was dead, his wife, Jessica Brody (Morena Baccarin, V, The Mentalist) struggled to heal her inner wounds and rebuild her life. Thus and so, she began a romantic relationship with Nick’s former friend and fellow Marine, Mike Faber (Diego Klattenhoff, Psych, Supernatural), a tip topper who, in recent years, stood by Jessica and her two children, Dana (Morgan Saylor, The Sopranos, Father of Invention) and Chris (Jackson Pace, Barney & Friends, CSI: Crime Scene Investigation)… Now that Nick reappeared in their lives, Mike has no choice left but to return to being a family friend, despite his true feelings.
Is Nicholas Brody a hero or a traitor? It remains to be seen…