TV Series
A clever, quirky and sharply written dramedy, Gilmore Girls explores the relationship between Lorelai Gilmore (Lauren Graham, Family Guy, Parenthood), a witty innkeeper, and her adolescent daughter, Rory (Alexis Bledel, ER, Mad Men), whom she bore out of wedlock when she was only 16-year-old. The series makes much account of ambition, education and work, telling Lorelai’s story from pregnant youngster runaway and high school dropout to co-owner and manager of the Dragonfly Inn. More than that, it similarly paints Rory’s transition from public school to the prestigious Chilton Preparatory Academy in glowing colours. The adolescent’s ambition to study at an Ivy League college and to become a foreign correspondent is incommensurable. Still, the two don’t always see everything through rose-coloured spectacles. Lorelai’s rocky relationship with her wealthy, appearances-obsessed parents, Emily (Kelly Bishop, Law & Order, Army Wives) and Richard Gilmore (Edward Herrmann, Oz, Drop Dead Diva), and Rory’s clashes with the students at Chilton Preparatory Academy and later, Yale University, often harrow their feelings.
Lorelai can always fasten herself on her adorable, control freak and clumsy best friend, Sookie St. James (Melissa McCarthy, Samantha Who?, Mike & Molly). The latter is at loggerheads with Michel Gerard (Yanic Truesdale, Rumeurs, Mauvais Karma), the hotel’s arrogant front desk clerk. Sookie loses her heart to a charming but grumpy vegetable farmer named Jackson Matthew Belleville (Jackson Douglas, MADtv, Grounded for Life). Lane Hyun-kyung Kim (Keiko Agena, ER, Castle) is Rory’s best friend. The rock and roll loving child of overbearing Seventh-Day Adventist/Korean/Vegan parents, she is forced to hide her interests and hobbies from her family. As for Lorelai, she and Lucas “Luke” Danes (Scott Patterson, Will & Grace, 90210), the local diner owner, grow very fond of each other over the years.
Lorelai can always fasten herself on her adorable, control freak and clumsy best friend, Sookie St. James (Melissa McCarthy, Samantha Who?, Mike & Molly). The latter is at loggerheads with Michel Gerard (Yanic Truesdale, Rumeurs, Mauvais Karma), the hotel’s arrogant front desk clerk. Sookie loses her heart to a charming but grumpy vegetable farmer named Jackson Matthew Belleville (Jackson Douglas, MADtv, Grounded for Life). Lane Hyun-kyung Kim (Keiko Agena, ER, Castle) is Rory’s best friend. The rock and roll loving child of overbearing Seventh-Day Adventist/Korean/Vegan parents, she is forced to hide her interests and hobbies from her family. As for Lorelai, she and Lucas “Luke” Danes (Scott Patterson, Will & Grace, 90210), the local diner owner, grow very fond of each other over the years.