TV Series
David S. Goyer, whose credits include the Blade and the Dark Knight trilogies and ABC’s Flash Forward, shapes an unapologetically entertaining drama which chronicles the early life of Leonardo da Vinci (Tom Riley, Freezing, No Heroics) as an artist, inventor, polymath, visionary and nothingarian… a genius who is the very definition of the term Renaissance Man. Although he doesn’t bear a resemblance to any superhero, he can’t help but be heroic. However, unlike the character everyone knows from history classes, the young Leonardo is a Don Juan, a detective of a sort, an inventor, opium smoker and a restless but merry prankster. His real family comprises his right-hand man, Zoroaster (Gregg Chillin, Being Human, Inside Men), a former nun who poses nude for him, Vanessa (Hera Hilmar, World without End, Leaving), and his devoted apprentice, Nico (Eros Vlahos, Summer in Transylvania, Game of Thrones).
An encounter with an enigmatic man, known as Al-Rahim or “The Turk” (Alexander Siddig, 24, Merlin), who wants the young genius to go in quest of a so-called “Book of Leaves” as he believes that fate chose him, sets Leonardo’s curiosity agog. Moreover, he isn’t the only one bound and determined to find it. Pope Sixtus (James Faulkner, Ben Hur, MI-5), whose goals are to shore up the Church’ spiritual authority, increase its wealth and to end seven hundred years of Muslim expansion, also wants to get possession of the aforementioned volume. Hence, he sends his ruthless nephew, Count Girolamo Riario (Blake Ritson, Emma, Upstairs Downstairs), after Leonardo. In the meantime, Lucrezia Donati (Laura Haddock, How Not to Live Your Life, Missing), an adulterine wife, “royal mistress” and celebrated beauty of Florence, ingratiates herself with the young genius. Lorenzo Medici (Elliot Cowan, Marchlands, Sinbad) is a reluctant leader, whose love of arts makes him far more suited to be a poet than a prince. Still, he holds the reins of the Medici Bank, one of the most influential institutions in Europe. Clarice Orsini (Lara Pulver, Robin Hood, True Blood) is a devoted, patient and keen woman, who settled down for life with Lorenzo by proxy when she was 16. Although their marriage was arranged by her husband’s mother, she proved herself to be much more than a political pawn. Last but not least, Giuliano Medici (Tom Bateman) lives in great style.
An encounter with an enigmatic man, known as Al-Rahim or “The Turk” (Alexander Siddig, 24, Merlin), who wants the young genius to go in quest of a so-called “Book of Leaves” as he believes that fate chose him, sets Leonardo’s curiosity agog. Moreover, he isn’t the only one bound and determined to find it. Pope Sixtus (James Faulkner, Ben Hur, MI-5), whose goals are to shore up the Church’ spiritual authority, increase its wealth and to end seven hundred years of Muslim expansion, also wants to get possession of the aforementioned volume. Hence, he sends his ruthless nephew, Count Girolamo Riario (Blake Ritson, Emma, Upstairs Downstairs), after Leonardo. In the meantime, Lucrezia Donati (Laura Haddock, How Not to Live Your Life, Missing), an adulterine wife, “royal mistress” and celebrated beauty of Florence, ingratiates herself with the young genius. Lorenzo Medici (Elliot Cowan, Marchlands, Sinbad) is a reluctant leader, whose love of arts makes him far more suited to be a poet than a prince. Still, he holds the reins of the Medici Bank, one of the most influential institutions in Europe. Clarice Orsini (Lara Pulver, Robin Hood, True Blood) is a devoted, patient and keen woman, who settled down for life with Lorenzo by proxy when she was 16. Although their marriage was arranged by her husband’s mother, she proved herself to be much more than a political pawn. Last but not least, Giuliano Medici (Tom Bateman) lives in great style.